Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Savage beating

Watching the news here is pretty different to anywhere else I´ve seen. All the stories are pretty much just detailing the daily arrests made by the local police - a lot of stories about drugs and robberies. What´s different is that they totally showcase the criminals right there on tv - all in handcuffs just staring at the camera and they even ask them questions about why they did what they did etc - totally bizarre. It was really funny with one story about drugs and gangs because they tried to black out some people´s faces, but the big black squares they used were totally opaque and so you could basically see exactly who that person was - no privacy or protection at all.

Anyway, there was this one particular story last night on the news with this lady yelling and obviously very angry about something and it was because she had her wallet and phone stolen by this guy - not sure why this particular robbery was newsworthy, but they showed it anyway. So, not sure how this happened since my spanish is very lacking obviously, but they showed the robber being pulled out of this muddy area by the police - he was totally covered in mud - either he fell in there or was hiding or i don´t know, but they brought him up with handcuffs and all covered in mud. A huge crowd had gathered to watch the police make the man kneel down in the middle of circle and then right there before the cameras and police and crowd, who were all obviously approving, the lady started to beat the thief! She seriously got right into him - punching, kicking, screaming - it was so psycho! I thought it was so funny to see actual proof of the fact that people here really do beat the perpetrators and I was like, so that is really what the police were expecting me to do to my thief back in the police station. So anyway, after the lady had finished her beating, the guy was just taken away in the police car and the lady kept on shouting and yelling into the microphone about the whole thing. So crazy! I could have never done that - only maybe if he attacked me first, then it is so on ;) - but not when he´s just sitting there in handcuffs totally defenceless.

Anyway, just to let everyone know, I think I´ve figured out how to post photos so that it´s possible to click and enlarge them when reading the posts - so from now on you´ll be able to enlarge hopefully, and I´ve also gone back and re-posted several of the photos on the quilatoa posting (mostly the scenic ones) and the hornado one, so now you can have a better look at all the stuff. Pretty much, if the photos are positioned on the left, then hopefully it´s possible to enlarge them. Happy viewing!


Anonymous said...

Yay, I can now see the cute puppy!

Man, by that title Annie, I thought the news story was going to be about the same 'crim' that took your stuff. :-)

I also second Moe's 'ewww' comment about hair in the pork crackling!

Unknown said...

Annie - all the photos are great - have printed out the one by the lake/crater.
The " exquisita Espumilla de Gualea" looks good - can you bring us a sample? (only joking)Best to learn the recipe and make it when you get back..Daddy