But it turns out it was buckets and buckets of icy cold water and then they had these really spiky plants that they used to whip them - I couldn´t believe my eyes! This is happening right here and now and you know the reason for this totally medieval punishment? They were adulterers. Sooooo insane. Again, just like before, not sure why this is on the news, but it was and this is all happening for real. Man, what a crazy justice system they have.
Anyway, moving on - Kathy, the other volunteer from the clinic was invited to dinner last night by my parents here which was really nice of them. Here´s a pic:

Yes my timer function on my camera was just a little too quick, but I almost made it =)

Here´s the really nice meal my mum made - I think it was goat stew with potatoes, avocado and salad. Really really nice. yum - or as they say here " yummy yummy".
I thought this was also pretty cool:

There is just so much fruit here on offer in Ecuador and so much fruit that I´ve never seen before. This pic is right after the mum went shopping - it´s like almost everything on offer in the supermarket. If you can enlarge it and see, the fruit on the top behind the bananas is babaco
Then on the second shelf, the thing with the stripes (which I haven´t gotten around to trying yet) is called pepino, the orange one right at the far back right is called granadilla and it feels like a passionfruit, but again haven´t tried. In front of that are naranjillas which are a cross between oranges and tomatoes (says a website, but not the mum - not sure who to believe). Then those red fruits on the front left of the third shelf are tomate de arbol - they´re kind of strange because kind of sweet but not sweet at the same time and taste like a mix between tomatoes and maybe apples, but apparently it´s not a crossed fruit either. And then of course there are always lots and lots of bananas. Every morning one of those fruits becomes my breakfast juice and then at night, my dessert. Yum.
I LOVE the fruit. It's like heaven except not sure if heaven would have spiky plants used to whip people as punishment. But at least everyone will always have enough fiber in their diets!
Oh my goodness Annie..is that how much food your mum has to buy to feed you????
Haha! I finally caught up with your blogs - am enjoying the pics very mucho :0)
Your trip sounds so interesting! It's probably the most interesting one of yours I've read to date.
Anywho it's time to stop living through you and start my reality now.
Take care and h ope to talk soon,
Sounds like tomacco might fit in there - very colourful!
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