Arrived in Wellington on Friday night and was met in the airport by Uncle Ken and Aunty Laura, who took me back to the house we were staying, which they were using with a house exchange program. It's a pretty cool program where you exchange your homes with another family and you then get to use everything they have including the cars and even mobile phones. So we've always got this free place to crash at in Wellington and we can then use the cars to drive all around New Zealand.
Anyway, my first day there was pretty relaxed, but we then went out and met an old high school friend of AL's, Hui Pee, who has lived in Wellington for almost 20 yrs. Here's a picture of the three of them:
We did a tour of the parliament building and library, which was actually quite interesting - and free - ahh..the golden word. Hui Pee then let us know about the start of the tulip season at the botanical gardens, so we went to go check it out, which was really pretty.
We continued to walk around the gardens and up to the highest observatory point and looked out all over Wellington, which was really cool. It's a really beautiful city - based around this huge bay, with hills everywhere giving a lot of the houses hillside water views. Anyway we then went and had dinner at Hui Pee's house, which was really nice and they fed us this huge feast. So friendly.
Emily arrived the next morning and we went to go and pick her up. This is the first photo she took, which I thought was pretty funny - and so did she.
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