Thought I´d finish off my trip in America with a healthy meal - ahh...salad. And not just any salad - a big salad (can´t you just hear Elaine saying it - i know i can´t resist saying it like that, as Emily well knows =) - it was absolutely gigantic! i love it...
View from plane - you can see how quito is this big city in amongst all these mountains. It looks amazing.

My first meal in Quito, and with my family too. The dad on the left, Gonzalos, mother, Esperanza and older brother Danilo.

The other brother, and the one who set up the whole homestay thing - Gabriel or Gabo, with one of their puppies.

My first postre (dessert) - i think it was fig with cheese and this really sweet sauce, that tasted rock sugar-y. Was pretty nice.

This is the heart of the old city. Really beautiful.

I was in the old city with the mum and her sister - i totally had to bend down really far to take this shot =)

Mote con chichorron - Gabo took me out with his friends to have this local specialty. It is basically massive white corn kernels on the bottom, with pork on top, a banana, potato and a sweet empanada. Was pretty nice, but really filling.

My room.

La mitad del mundo -am standing right on the equator.

At the top of the volcano crater, called Pululahua. Not much of a view, since the entire crater´s filled with clouds.

At the bottom of the crater, they grow corn and Luis is showing one off that we just freshly plucked.
View from bottom of the crater.
My gashed knee with special herbal paste Luis applied to it while on the trail.

The clinic I´m now volunteering at 4 days a week.
Annie - glad to hear you didn't black out for long.The normal oxygen in the air is around 23%,in the areoplane it is 14% but you aren't jogging!Oxygen requirements escalate with exercise so I guess for your haemoglobin,it couldn't bind enough oxygen for your needs.The body normally acclimatises by increasing your blood count,and this increases the oxygen binding.So - this takes Fe and protein. - plenty of green vegetables.What is the altitude actually?
nice to see some pics
Annie u blacked out!!! i hate that feeling - did ur hearing disappear and your eyesight go crazy? thats when you know youre gng to faint (am i right doc?)
Be safe!!!! Im so proud of you! this is so different compared to the beginning of your time in France.
Mrs Cole - your facts are AMAZING!
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