Thursday, August 23, 2007

Goodbye Ecuador!

Today is my last day in Quito and my last day in Ecuador. Tomorrow I leave for Havana, Cuba for about 13 days. At first I thought I was just going to be travelling by myself, but now it´s happened that Geoff is actually going to be coming and this other guy I met several weeks ago, Andre. Really really cool - i´m totally psyched. It´s going to be so much better travelling with other people, especially people who can speak spanish a lot better than I am - although I have heard worrying things about the spanish they speak in Cuba, that it is almost impossible to understand because they just speak so fast and quite differently. Well should be an interesting trip.

So I´m going home now to pack up all my stuff and get ready for our whole day flight tomorrow - it was really hard to get flights out of Quito and direct to Cuba, so what we ended up getting were flights that take us to Lima then San Jose in Costa Rica and then over to Cuba. I think it´s something like we leave at 7am and arrive in Cuba at 11pm. I love making my contribution to global warming - Makes me feel part of something big =)

So not sure what the internet cafe situation is going to be like in Cuba, so we´ll see if I can post again but I´ll try!! Happy reading! =)

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